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MTK-A6 Multipurpose Motor Driven Card Reader/Writer

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MTK-A6 Multipurpose Motor Driven Card Reader/Writer

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کد کالا : 6
تعداد سفارش :
قیمت : 0 (تومان)
مبلغ قابل پرداخت : 0   (تومان)
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Telegram: 09122684482

021-41354301 :Tell

Motor Card Reader

بررسی تخصصی و اجمالی

*High reliability and durability with compact design
*Built-in electrical Shutter for preventing vandalism, dust and object intrusion
*Complete Belt Driven mechanism for silent and stable operation
*HiCo&LoCo magnetic card decoding and ISO standards compliant for chip card protocol handling
*Modular sensor board and magnetic head for easy maintenance


مثبت *High reliability and durability with compact design
مثبت *Built-in electrical Shutter for preventing vandalism, dust and object intrusion
مثبت *Complete Belt Driven mechanism for silent and stable operation
مثبت *HiCo&LoCo magnetic card decoding and ISO standards compliant for chip card protocol handling
مثبت *Modular sensor board and magnetic head for easy maintenance

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